Project Schedule
Project Schedule
The City and community stakeholders are all excited to jump in and start the Alisal Vibrancy Planning process and are taking time to strengthen working partnerships, clarify roles, and create a thoughtful and intentional process timeline. While the project had an internal "kick-off" in Fall 2016, the first Steering Committee meeting didn't occur until June 2017. During that time the City was working closely with community partners to set the project up for success and co-create a new model of collaborative community planning in Salinas that will live beyond the Alisal Vibrancy Plan.
Major schedule highlights include monthly Steering Committee Meetings and regular topic-specific Working Group Meetings. These groups will provide ideas and direction for the City/consultant team to integrate into their technical work (e.g., community profile report, street design concepts, policy framework, draft plan, etc.). The project team will share the results of any technical work with the community for modification and refinements throughout the project at a number of community workshops and a mulit-day community design charrette.
Throughout the process, City staff will provide updates through project e-mails, social media, and at City Council and Planning Commission meetings.