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East Area Specific Plan

About the Plan

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The City of Salinas is in the early stages of developing the East Area Specific Plan (EASP). The EASP is the final plan of three Specific Plan Areas in the North of Boronda Future Growth Area. The two other Specific Plans, the West Area (WASP) and Central Area (CASP), were approved by City Council in 2019 and 2020, respectively.

The EASP will provide the general vision and broad policy concepts to guide development of a brand new residential neighborhood. This is an opportunity for the City to create a community-driven Specific Plan that reflects the desires and needs of the Salinas community.


As a part of the 2002 General Plan Update, the City identified a Future Growth Area (FGA) located north of Boronda Road and south of Rogge Road. Per the 2002 General Plan, any new development in the North of Boronda FGA is required to be based on New Urbanism principles and promote walkability, alternative modes of transportation, affordability, sustainability, etc. In 2008, the City annexed the North of Boronda FGA , requiring a specific plan to be prepared before development. The FGA was divided into three Specific Plan Areas: West, Central, and East. Subsequently, a fourth Specific Plan, Gateway Center Specific Plan, carved 20 acres out of the WASP to facilitate the development of a large commercial center was adopted in 2011.


In 2008, the City initiated an EASP but did not move forward due to the economic downturn. Due to lack of staffing or financial resources, the City relied on developers to initiate, fund, and create the WASP and CASP, which were adopted in 2019 and 2020, respectively. The City launched a comprehensive General Plan update, Visión Salinas 2040, in 2021. Through this process, there is an opportunity for the City to take lead on creating the EASP and to complete the required CEQA compliance through the General Plan Update process. 


The EASP will not only provide the general vision and broad policy concepts to guide development of a new residential neighborhood, but also provide the details on:

  • Type, location, and intensity of uses

  • Define the capacity and design of needed public improvements and infrastructure

  • Determine the resources necessary to finance and implement the public improvements and infrastructure needed to support the vision for a new neighborhood

What is in the Plan?

The East Area Specific Plan will facilitate future development of the East FGA through streamlining the entitlement process for future development including a variety of housing types and commercial/retail and public/semi-public uses.


Three important and defining features of this Specific Plan that will be included are:

  • New Urbanism standards (promote walkable and livable environments)

  • Facilitate the production of a variety of housing types (Apartments, townhouses, single-family homes, affordable, market-rate)

  • Integration and connection of new neighborhood with adjacent established, residential neighborhoods and commercial areas


The Specific Plan will set policies, regulations, standards, and programs, within a single document to streamline permitting. Topics that will be covered include: 

  • Land use and zoning designations

  • Development regulations and design standards and policies

  • Mobility and circulation

  • Public services and utilities

  • Resource conservation

  • Infrastructure and financing requirements

  • Implementation and administrative processes, including state laws to facilitate and streamline housing development. 

Stakeholder Engagement

Community Development staff held a Stakeholder Engagement Webinar to engage with property owners in the East Area Specific Plan. A recording of that webinar can be found below:

Past EASP Events!

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On August 15, 2024, we hosted the East Area Specific Plan (EASP) community open house. The event was well-attended, and we successfully gathered a wealth of data, feedback, and ideas from our community members. Please view the accompanying photos to see highlights from the event! If you were unable to attend, we invite you to complete the survey below to ensure your input is included.

Take the EASP Survey!

Help make a difference in the East Area Specific Plan! Your feedback is valued and could help with future development in the area. Take the survey below to give us your feedback!

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